Thursday, November 20, 2008


I read this in the UMR newsletter today; it was pretty great.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I Want Out

Today I recieved my second six weeks grade for my AP English class; this is the hardest class that I have, and I made a horrible grade (still passing, but not good). I have a total of 3 AP classes and 3 pre-AP classes this year and I have an A in all of them except english. I don't understand why I cannot make an A in this class.

My teacher makes me think at a level where it is conflicting with my Christian beliefs and it just makes me feel bad to be in this class; I really think getting out would make me feel so much better and I would be in a much better mood.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My first blog

I decided to creat this blog in hopes of relaxing my mind, using it to control the busyness in which I function. I don't know why, but this school year has been really hard for me. To start off I am taking 3 pre-AP and 3 AP classes at school (yes there is a ton of homework), I also participate in stu co, NHS, and I am a class officer. I also am super active within the connection of my church; this doesn't bother me, I love it.

Right now as all of the things mentioned above intertwine, I just can't help but being tired all of the time, even with +8 hours of sleep every night I jsut can't seem rested, so maybe writing my thoughts down will help...

If it doesn't, it's still cool; I have a blog.