Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Frog and Toad

I have been thinking about my pastor's sermon from Sunday off and on this week; I think that she was preaching to me specifically.


Last Monday we had our regular Council on Ministries meeting (which I think technically should be our NOW council, but that is another story) we got through the meeting over half was spent on fundraising just for the sake of raising funds (also a completely different rant) and at the end of the meeting the chair asked if there was anything else and as you can imagine I had something else. Every Sunday in January we joined somebody new to our congregation, I was so happy we started the year off great, but now in March and April I don't see some of these new members at all. At the meeting I raised the question what are we doing to allow for our new members to return on a regular basis, I also raised a couple of the points that bishop Lowry made at the district laity banquet, such as what are we doing to change our ministries with the times. All of this basically led to my pastor crying about how she has no time to do everything she is supposed to do (this also another rant for another time).

So on Sunday my pastor only had to preach at the contemporary service because the choir did their cantata during the 2nd service. She started this sermon off with one of the children stories about Frog and Toad; in a nutshell Frog planted a garden and then sat and complained about how it wouldn't grow, the Toad came along and told him that he needed to nurture his garden. She related this story to our church and how we should not sit around complaining about how ministry is not being done and what should be done, but instead be active and do something about it.

There were 2 clues that led me to believe she was preaching specifically to me: one was remembering the meeting and the other was she made eye contact with me way too much as she was preaching. Also at the end of the service my friend turned to me who was also at the meeting on Monday and said she was preaching about you. So here in my blog I just wanted to respond to this, I do not think that I am Frog: I am extremely active at church the only time I complain about things is at the meetings and everything ministerial wise that I can help with at my church I am there.

So my question is am I Frog?


  1. Hard to say you are a frog or toad. I think you keep asking the questions. I will share with you that perhaps it is not the questions which were being asked but the tone and manner in which they were asked? I don't know but I have learned that many people are taken back by my questions because I often ask them in ways which are a bit ruff.

  2. I'll second what Jason wrote, and add that if you are asking yourself whether or not you are Frog, you aren't entirely Frog.
