So this weekend I have been in Glen Rose at our conference slt event Mid Winter 2. The theme has been go deep, focused around the book of Jonah. It has been brought up within worship and small groups the question of what whale are you in right now. I thought and thought about this question and I came to the conclusion that I'm not in a whale; I don't feel like I'm running away from what God is calling me to do, but maybe the opposite. I think that maybe instead I might be like in a racecar with my call to ministry. I sat down today with my youth worker friends Jason and Abby today and they helped me come to this conclusion; we got on some topic about someone in seminary and I said that I wished that I was in seminary…well long story short my brain became scrambled and my future long term and just my future as a youth is all that I could think about the whole day.
These are just a couple of questions or ideas I've been thinking of: Do I need to just chill, I really need to quit being so freaking serious, or should I not change a thing (but maybe not be so anxious for ordination).